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3-Day, Varied Rest Routine

Rest interval between sets is an important variable that should receive more attention in resistance exercise training. Research has indicated that the rest interval between sets affects both acute responses and chronic adaptations to resistance exercise programs¹. Below is a 3-day, total body program you can immediately take with you to the gym focused on variable rest each set. With the focus of this routine being hypertrophy, you wouldn’t want to use this if your goal is absolute strength or power. “When the training goal is muscular hypertrophy, the combination of moderate-intensity sets with short rest intervals of 30-60 seconds might be most effective due to greater acute levels of growth hormone during such workouts. ¹”

Within each day the exercises are listed under “complexes”. These are noted with the letters “A”, “B”, “C”, or “D”. How this works: Complete exercise “A1” then immediately complete “A2”, then rest for the prescribed amount of time. Do this for all sets before moving on to the next complex.

Day 1:

All complexes: Rest 1:00 after Set 1, Rest 0:45 after Set 2, Rest 0:30 after Set 3.

A1) Barbell Squat 4x8-12 A2) SL Hip Extension 4x 6-10ea

B1) DB Incline Press 4x8-12 B2) Lat Pulldown 4x8-12

C1) DB Step Up 4x6-10ea C2) SL PB Leg Curl 4x6-10ea

D1) DB Scott Curl 4x8-12 D2) DB Tricep Extension 4x8-12

Day 2:

All complexes: Rest 1:00 after Set 1, Rest 0:45 after Set 2, Rest 0:30 after Set 3.

A1) Barbell Bench Press 4x8-12 A2) SA DB Row 4x8-12

B1) Barbell RDL 4x8-12 B2) Machine Leg Extension 4x8-12

C1) DB Arnold Press 4x8-12 C2) Seated Low Row 4x8-12

D1) DB Hammer Curls 4x8-12 D2) DB Skullcrusher 4x8-12

Day 3:

All complexes: Rest 1:00 after Set 1, Rest 0:45 after Set 2, Rest 0:30 after Set 3.

A1) Leg Press 4x8-12 A2) DB Calf Raise 4x8-12

B1) DB Chest Fly 4x8-12 B2) BB Row 4x8-12

C1) DB Walking Lunge 4x6-10ea C2) KB Swing 4x8-12

D1) EZ Bar Curl 4x8-12 D2) Dips 4x8-12

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