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The 1% Workout

New Years Resolutions involving health, wellness, fitness, and getting in shape are extremely common. Creating a plan for a healthy body is always a great investment. The only problem with “resolutions” is the eventual burn out. Make sure as you start on your path to keep goals realistic and don’t go all in at once. Ways to set yourself up for success: Start small, set goals, map out a schedule, and hold yourself accountable (get a friend to join you!)

Starting from scratch? Here’s an idea as you begin your workouts: Commit yourself to 15 minutes. This is 1% of your day. “I don’t have enough time” is one of the most common reasons people claim to not exercise. Again, for perspective, 15 minutes is just 1% of your day. I think everyone can commit this percentage of their day to improving their health!

What do you do within those 15 minutes? Below is something you can do at home with no equipment other than a phone or a timer

Use your phone or a timer, put 15 minutes on the clock. Once you start the timer, complete the following exercises:

Squat x10 Push-up x3-10 Alternating Forward Lunge x8ea Crunches x20 Lateral Lunge x8ea

Once you’ve completed one set, start right back at the top with squats. Keep track of how many times you make it through within the 15 minutes (And yes, of course, pause within if you need rest. Just let the timer keep rolling).

Keeping track of how many sets you make it through in the 15 minutes allows you to easily quantify when you’ve progressed by giving you a target to beat the next time you complete the workout. Want other ways to progress it? Add weight (dumbbells) to movements, add repetitions to current exercises, add more exercises, add total time, etc.

Happy New Year!

Follow Coach Nate: Instagram and Twitter: @NateWilliamsSC Facebook: Facebook.Com/NathanWilliamsStrength

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